

Have you ever seen a virus movie? They are very typical of Saturday afternoon, after luch. You know what I mean? The husband is a bad guy but the wife is really in love of him and she trusts him, or, there is a fire on a cruise, and the typical valiant team leaves the room to save all the other passengers. That is a typical Saturday afternoon movie.

Contagio is one movie more about virus, but not like the others. Maybe the script or the story is similar, but the way they tell us it's completly diferent. There are good actors making a common story.

If you want to know what this movie is about, read the synopsis:

Contact between people is the greatest ally of a malicious virus that threatens to destroy society. No one is safe from this virus, and there is nothing to fight against it. If you want to be safe, the only thing you can do is be alone, away from society. Just run will not be enough for anyone...

If you go to the cinema to watch this movie, tell me how much you enjoy it!

1 comentario:

  1. I really want to see this film because I like a lot the actors ! So if I go to the cinema, I will tell you my experience !!
